West Mountain Radio Driver Download For Windows 10

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West Mountain Radio Driver Download For Windows 10

RIGtalk USB for Rig Control Interface; DVD; A DVD of the RIGblaster Software Collection is the standard media. If you are unable to use DVD media, you may request the software on a three (3) CD Set. The West Mountain teck support sent me the following message. I guess I'm not the brightest bulb and wonder if you guys can give me guidance in doing this. While I'm a heck of a radio operator, I guess I don't have sufficient technical knowledge. CW is true keyed CW using a separate virtual com port made by using the com port splitter app from West Mountain Radio. Since this device has a built in sound card, the PC sound card is free to do whatever it want/needs to do while the rig operates separately from the PC.

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West Mountain Radio RIGblaster Blue #BugReport#bluetooth

West Mountain Radio Driver Download For Windows 10

Download Radio For Windows 10


Hello to all. I’m not sure this is the right forum for my question so apologies if sent to the wrong place.

I work for West Mountain Radio and our Bluetooth audio RIGblaster doesn’t appear to work properly with WSJT-X although it did with previous versions and still does with other popular digital mode software.

I’m hoping I can speak with a WSJT-X developer and offer a RIGblaster Blue interface for debugging/testing.

Can anyone suggest a contact?




Sent from Mail for Windows 10


Hello to all. I’m not sure this is the right forum for my question so apologies if sent to the wrong place.

I work for West Mountain Radio and our Bluetooth audio RIGblaster doesn’t appear to work properly with WSJT-X although it did with previous versions and still does with other popular digital mode software.

I’m hoping I can speak with a WSJT-X developer and offer a RIGblaster Blue interface for debugging/testing.

Can anyone suggest a contact?




Hi Sholto,

I assume the audio interface is not the problem. If your interface provides transparent CAT protocol pass through there should be no issue with CAT either. What are the symptoms?



Audio is the problem actually. The symptoms are few decodes and it looks like sometimes the program's decode is happening at odd times. The RIGblaster uses the HSP and HFP Bluetooth® profiles. Sample rate conversion doesn't seem to be a problem in any other digital mode software and I'm not convinced it's the problem here, it may be more related to latency perhaps, or how WSJT-X opens/closes sound channels in the RX/TX period. I've tried the Microsoft Bluetooth® stack in Windows 10 but also the software stack provided with one of the Bluetooth® 4.0 dongles I have here to test with similar results. Also tried this in Ubuntu with the same dongles and same issue. I've tried CSR and Broadcom dongles.

On 28/01/2021 21:49, Sholto Fisher wrote:
Audio is the problem actually. The symptoms are few decodes and it looks like sometimes the program's decode is happening at odd times. The RIGblaster uses the HSP and HFP Bluetooth® profiles. Sample rate conversion doesn't seem to be a problem in any other digital mode software and I'm not convinced it's the problem here, it may be more related to latency perhaps, or how WSJT-X opens/closes sound channels in the RX/TX period. I've tried the Microsoft Bluetooth® stack in Windows 10 but also the software stack provided with one of the Bluetooth® 4.0 dongles I have here to test with similar results. Also tried this in Ubuntu with the same dongles and same issue. I've tried CSR and Broadcom dongles.
Hi Sholto,
latency greater than 400 mS will impact decoding.
WSJT-X only closes and re-opens the Rx audio stream when the device is changed in settings. The Tx audio stream is opened and closed around each transmission.
We Qt for access to audio streams, there are environment variables in the latest WSJT-X v2.3.0 RC4 to adjust buffer sizes which may help.
Default values should be OK but you can try different values. Zero means use default. Other than buffers sizes we have no real control on how Qt manages the streams.

A lot of people on this forum seem to have a problem with delayed or dropped decodes. I think you are correct that the problem is latency, but I have tried everything to fix it and I can't make my problem go away. New drivers, registry entries, port speeds. I can't figure it.
Is this something West Mountain might work on?
I am really not sure what to do, and it is taking the fun out of digital modes for me. Any advice appreciated.
Bill K1NS

toggle quoted messageShow quoted text
From: Sholto Fisher <sholto.fisher@...>
To: main@WSJTX.groups.io
Subject: Re: [WSJTX] West Mountain Radio RIGblaster Blue #bugreport #bluetooth
Audio is the problem actually. The symptoms are few decodes and it looks like sometimes the program's decode is happening at odd times. The RIGblaster uses the HSP and HFP Bluetooth® profiles. Sample rate conversion doesn't seem to be a problem in any other digital mode software and I'm not convinced it's the problem here, it may be more related to latency perhaps, or how WSJT-X opens/closes sound channels in the RX/TX period. I've tried the Microsoft Bluetooth® stack in Windows 10 but also the software stack provided with one of the Bluetooth® 4.0 dongles I have here to test with similar results. Also tried this in Ubuntu with the same dongles and same issue. I've tried CSR and Broadcom dongles.

Well I'll be ... the v2.3.0 RC4 with default buffer sizes appears to work perfectly with the RIGblaster Blue. I wonder what changed?
One thing I did need to do is disable the automatic PAN which Windows 10 configures when it detects that Bluetooth® is up. There seems to be some polling going on with the PAN which might have been causing latency in the audio.
The quick way to disable the PAN for those who may come across this post in the future:
Win+R, paste ncpa.cpl and press enter. Right-click on the Bluetooth® Network Connection and choose Disable.
Thanks for the tip about v2.3.0 RC4 Bill.

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